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Pup Style Yummies!!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

No-Bake Treats For Piper!!

~Cookies Please?!~

Hello All and Happy Saturday!!
I have shared so many great recipes with you guys, but this one is one of my favorites, it’s a recipe for your pups. Piper absolutely loves them, so I have a feeling your dogs will too. Now don’t get me wrong, there are so many treats you can buy from the store for your dog, so I’m sure you’re asking why would I want to go to all the trouble of making them myself when I can just get them at the grocery store? Well first off those treats are pretty pricey, and ok... so you want to treat your dog every once in a while ...which is fine, but look at the ingredients just once the next time you buy them. You will see that most of them you can’t even pronounce, let alone understand what the heck they are. Plus they add so many preservatives and other garbage to extend their shelf life, all in all it’s just not good for them. I like making them because number one I literally made them with my own hands, so I know for sure that every ingredient is healthy and natural. I know that they’re good for her, and that makes me feel good about feeding them to her. Plus it’s a super easy, no-bake recipe, that only requires a few items anyone can find in their kitchen. 

Supplies you will need:
*A medium size bowl
*A spoon 
*A measuring cup
*Some parchment paper/or Pam spray to slick         the cookie sheet
*A cookie sheet
*A plate 

Dog Ingredients: 
1/3 cup of creamy peanut butter 
2 1/2 cups of old fashion oats (split in two parts of 2 cups and 1/2 cup) 
1/4 cup of vitamin D milk 
1 cup of puréed pumpkin 

Line the cookie sheet with parchment paper or nonstick cooking spray, this will keep them from sticking. Sit the cookie sheet aside and combine all of the ingredients in the medium sized bowl, and fold them together. One they are well mixed, pour the 1/2 cup of oats we set aside onto a plate. Then use a small spoon to scoop up a small amount and roll it into a ball. Make sure your hands are wet, this keeps the mixture from sticking to your hands while you roll them into little balls. Then once you have a nice ball roll it in the oats on the plate to give them a nice coating. Then place them on the cookie sheet, be sure to space them evenly so they don’t harden together. Once you roll and coat them all, just cover and place them in the fridge for about 2 hrs until they harden. 
Once they’re done put them in a Tupperware bowl and cover, they’re good for 8-10 days in the fridge. 

Piper absolutely loves them, which makes me feel like I’m doing something right. As you can see in the pictures she stalked them until she got one 😂, she is such a little pip! It’s so funny because she’s only 5 months old and already she has the amazing characteristics of an adult dog. I’ve been debating on weather or not to take her to New York with me for Fashion Week because a. She’s my baby and of course I don’t want to leave her for a week with someone I don’t even know at some kennel, where she could catch kennel cough. That means I would have to take her to the vet to get a kennel cough vaccine because it’s very contagious. Now don’t get me wrong Piper is a doll...when it comes to me. When it comes to anyone else she wants no parts of anyone, plus she’s very mouthy. Sometimes she does a lot of vocalizing (aka yapping) to let anyone and everyone know to stay the hell away. Especially when food is involved, when I take her to restaurants with me she gets grumpy because I think she in turn thinks the waitress or waiter is trying to take the food, which she thinks of as her food. It’s hilarious!! I think is she is to go to NYC with us I will have to get her in a serious bootcamp mode the next two weeks. Otherwise she could start barking at ladies that come up and down the runway LOL, and we can’t have that! The good thing is she’s so tiny I can fit her in just about any bag I have, that may be my saving grace. If she goes we will be wearing matching styles such as bows, scarves, and T-shirt’s. I even saw a matching sweater set for Furmama and Furbaby on Etsy. I’m definitely thinking about scoping one, it will be so cute!! I’m so excited about the whole trip, and hopefully before I leave my video set will be complete and we can put out our first official video. 
Thanks to all of you that have been supporting us on YouTube, you’re all so amazing. 

Also I’m running a giveaway here on the blog for an Apple prize pack worth over $1500 dollars, go here to enter ⏩ $1500 Apple Prize Pack

All right Dolls have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to follow us on social media, that way you’ll stay updated on all my giveaways!!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. It sounds like something our dog Stu would love and I agree that homemade treats are so much better for them than the store bought ones. Good luck in New York City.

    1. I completely agree, and thanks so so much!!!😘
      Have a fab Sunday Catherine

    2. This is a great recipe I will after make it so simple and looks like Piper waiting,so cute.

  2. Thank you for the recipe. We will have to make this for our dog Sammy.

    1. You’re more than welcome, I can’t wait to hear what Sammy thought of them ☺️

  3. Piper looks excited to get those treats. Thanks for sharing the recipe with us.

    1. Awhhh she loves them tons so it’s my pleasure to share the recipe!!

  4. Ok look at these! My mom has 2 big dogs who just love treats. I think they would love these! :P

    1. I agree and you could just make them a bit bigger, I guarantee they will love them!! ☺️

  5. Replies
    1. That’s the exact reason I love making them so much 😆😆😆

  6. Your dog is getting excited.

  7. My dog would love these.

    1. You should make them they’re so darn easy to make!! ☺️

  8. They look so simple and delicious! My Husky would love these! He's so picky. He wouldn't be able to turn these down though. I don't trust some store bought treats either. Thanks so much for posting!

    1. Awhhh if he loves peanut 🥜 butter he will love these. Plus they’re so easy to make!! ☺️

  9. my daughter makes these for her dogs & her friend's dogs- they are very popular with the dogs!

    1. Oh yeah, I think it’s the peanut butter, and pumpkin. Piper loooooves them ☺️

  10. My dogs love peanut butter & get 3 treats a day - will definitely try this recipe

    1. Yahhh I can’t wait to hear if he loves them!!!
      Thanks for dropping bye

  11. Seriously? Can that pup be any cuter? Enjoy Piper!

    1. Awhh Thanks so much, she has a face that I just can’t say no to....hence little miss spoiled 😂

  12. What an awesome treat. Thanks for the post.... Piper seriously made me smile. .. So adorable and such a cutie.

  13. I think my pet would love these easy to make treats. Thanks for the recipe.;D

  14. I love the way some of products on sale in the USA in 2018 look similar to products sold here in the UK in the 1960's

  15. These sound great. I love how easy they are to make. I will give these a try for our dogs.

  16. Awesome! I am going to make these for my lite picky eater!💙🐶

  17. My 3 pups would just love to eat these homemade treats they look so good and easy to make too. I love to give my family and friends treats like this to there pups have to pin this so i can keep the recipe and make it later thanks

  18. Good idea for healthful puppa treats.

  19. Wow, This looks so easy. I wish I'd had this recipe back when I was cooking for my cousin's Bassets. They would have absolutely loved these!

  20. Looks simple enough, yummy for my dog.

  21. Piper is adorable! What a lucky girl!

  22. Looks delish...I just wanna eat them all

  23. i just focus on that cute puppy.. :-)

  24. That is a lot of treats for such a small dog. I have a chihuahua and it would take awhile for him to eat all of that. Lol

  25. I am going to make these for my chihuahua Chloe.

  26. I'm so excited to make these for my dog, Gypsy! Thanks for the recipe!

  27. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I'll try this for my dog. He loves treats!

  28. Never really thought about making treats for our dog. This one looks pretty easy and our dog would gobble them down

  29. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I feel like my dog may get addicted. ;)

  30. Thanks for sharing, never thought about making treats for dogs. Piper looks nice and healthy.

  31. My mom has recently started making her own treats for her dog. Her dog loves pumpkin! I will pass this one along, thanks!

  32. Oh I'm going to make some! I have 4 dogs and they love treats thank you they will love these

  33. Really enjoyable article, the little dog ( Piper ) is so cute, the recipe looks really easy to do.

  34. I would love to make homemade treats for my dog! These look so easy and healthy. I will have to give them a try. I am anxious to see if my dog will like them. Thank you for sharing!

  35. My in law has a dog who is picky even when it comes to treats, hopefully he will like these. I will let her know about it so she can make them for Boots. Thank you for sharing this!

  36. Excellent treat recipe...our two dogs go crazy over peanut butter....but it seems a long time to prepare

  37. Piper is super cute and these treats look really yummy, thx very much for sharing the recipe.

  38. what an amazing recipe for your dog sound healthy great for him or her thanks for sharing it

  39. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to make these for my pup!

  40. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to make these for my pup!

  41. Can't wait to share this with my kids grandma who has two dogs Daisy and Rex

  42. These look easy to make and a healthy snack for pups. I'm definitely trying this recipe out!

  43. Thanks for sharing. I always like to find new recipes for my 4 dogs x

  44. Thanks for the recipe

  45. What an easy recipe for yummy dog treats. And I know all 4 of my dogs will love them. I also read pumpkin is good for dogs so I think I will give them a try

  46. This looks like a great recipe! :)

  47. My fussy, treat-stalking pup would love these! I must make them for him.

  48. These are great! My dogs are always running out of treats and half the time they really don't even enjoy them.. I am going to make these this weekend....

  49. These look amazing ! Can’t wait to make them with my daughter !!

  50. My pup is so picky (chihuahua), hopefully she will like these!!

  51. Your dog Piper is so adorable. I have never made my own dog treats. Too lazy.

  52. These sound great for dogs. I know my dogs would love them!

  53. I have a little Papillion who loves pumpkin. I'm going to try these just as soon as I get to the store to pick up some canned pumpkin. I love the idea of treats that don't have all sorts of unpronounceable ingredients.

  54. What a great recipe! Will definitely try this!

  55. The poor baby's crying for a treat...cutest dog ever! Thanks for sharing!

  56. These sound good enough to make for myself.

  57. All the fur babies in our family would love these homemade treats! They love peanut butter and pumpkin. I'll definitely be making these. Thank you for sharing!

  58. Love how easy and simple this recipe is!! I'm going to be making these for my pup! I have a 7 month old Rottweiler named Barrett, but we call him Little Bear. He's far from little, lol, but he would love these!! Thanks for the recipe!! And the super cute pictures of your adorable pup!

  59. Nice recipe will attempt to make

  60. What a cool Idea ! Will send this to my friends with pets !

  61. Thanks for sharing this easy, but healthy, recipe for dog treats. I think I will try them for my son's pets. He has a 5 year old cat named Ziva, a female white rat named Lexie and a male white mouse named Beatrix (don't ask). Beatrix had a brother named Bartholomew, but he unfortunately died. Lexie thinks Beatrix is her baby and the bathe each other and sleep together. Ziva is fascinated by them both, but runs from Lexie when she is out of her cage. I never thought I would have pet rats and mice in my house, but they are really smart. All of them love to eat so I think they will love the treats.

    1. Ahhh I completely understand the mice 🐁 when I was 14 I had 2 myself, they’re the neatest animals. I also agree about them being smart. I’m pretty sure they will love the treats too. Especially with the peanut butter and oats!!

  62. He is too cute!! sitting and waiting patiently for his treats! That is so awesome of you to go and make homemade doggy treats. I bet Piper enjoyed them.

    1. Thanks so much, she’s for sure a handful, and quite the little oinker 🐷 so treats don’t last long around her!! 😂

  63. I forgot to mention, I found out by accident my girls (dogs) love sweet potatoes, so they get the skins. Also saw a new dog food out there with sweet potato and chicken. Just a thought.

  64. Thanks for sharing the recipe,it helps my mom

  65. How yummy - I wonder if my cat would like them!

    1. Hmmm I don’t see why not, I think they’ll def like the peanut butter!! I can’t wait to hear if your Furbaby enjoys it!!

  66. I was just thinking last night, when I wanted to make these and didn't have the pumpkin. You could always replace with mashed banana instead if you don't have that on hand! Who doesn't like peanut butter and banana together? I know my dog loves it!!

    1. Ohhhh that’s a spectacular idea Jen, Piper adores banana as well, perhaps I’ll have to try that one!!
      If you make them let me know how it turns out, maybe I can put the banana in the blender ....hmmm!! Stellar though for sure

  67. Why do I think those look delicious? Super cute puppy too.

    1. Probably because of the peanut butter and oats. Funny thing is they’re people edible but I think Piper definitely would not want to share 😂them with me

  68. Cute treats and cute dog.

  69. dog treats sound perfect my dogs will love them

    1. I bet and he or she will love you more for making them. We have to spoil our fur babies ☺️

  70. I make my dog homemade treats, and food, but never this recipe. I'm definitely making these!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You’re more than welcome, I love sharing with everyone so they can enjoy what we do most!!
      Pass on the love as my mom always says 😂

  71. Good looking treats I know dogs will enjoy.

  72. Piper looks so cute in the first picture on this post. I wish we could have a dog here but its not possible.

    1. Awhhh I’m sorry to hear that, dogs are just the best!! Do you have any fur babies??

  73. These look so good, and I love your Piper's expression watching. So cute! My little Bella would probably love these.

    1. I bet they would love them for sure and they’ll love you for making them. We have to spoil our fur babies!! ☺️

  74. I wish cats could/would eat stuff like these cookies. I read recently about a woman eating a dog cookie and then buying more. She liked that they weren't as sweet as most cookies. I can understand that. there is nothing in your cookies I wouldn't eat.

    1. 😂😂That’s def interesting!! The good thing about these are they’re made of yummy healthy products we eat so they’re ok for both. Plus when they’re made by me I know what’s in them. Those store bought cookies have so much unknown junk in them 😱 so she’s brave to eat them 🤣.

  75. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe , your fur babies is adorable , i will def be making them for my boys , :) Treen Goodwin Rafflecopter name

    1. Yahhh can’t wait to hear what they think of them!!

  76. Awww this is so cute! I have been wanting to make homemade treats for my dog. Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Awhh thanks and you should definitely try I think he or she will love you for it 😍😂

  77. I bet my dogs would LOVE these! They sound good enough that we would like them also, if we left the pumpkin out of them...LOL!

    1. Yes I haven’t met a dog yet that didn’t like them ....the good thing is they’re ok for people to eat also, ahh not a fan of pumpkin huh? 😂

    2. No, not too But my fur babies do like pumpkin so what ever they like, they get!

    3. I made them. I have 3 dogs, 1 of them loved these and would eat everyone in one sitting if I would let him, the other liked them but she didn't gobble it down real fast so I guess they were just "ok" to her, and my 3rd dog did not even take 1 period. When I would go to give the others one he would come up to me like he wanted it but would smell it and walk off, I am guessing maybe he is like his owner and doesn't like pumpkin, LOL! But I will continue making them for the other 2 that does like them!

    4. Ha ha yes they’re the world so we spoil them. Awhhh that’s awesome, I’m so glad at least two liked them. Yes I agree perhaps your 3rd little one just takes after Mama 😂!! No pumpkin please, I have to make a bacon flavor, they will def love that.

  78. I have never made homemade treats for my fur-baby. Thanks for a good wholesome recipe. I do however give pumpkin on occasion if my cat is constipated or has hair balls. Its supposed to be a natural way to aid in digestion.

    1. That’s interesting I never knew that, I know regular yogurt does also... I just like knowing what I’m feeding her...what am I saying she’s spoiled as heck 😂lol!

  79. Nice treats, I like the homemade recipe as you know what you put in it.

    1. Amen 🙏🏻 it’s a treat u can feel good about giving them!!

  80. I have not made homemade treats for my dogs. I would like to try it.

    1. Awhh you definitely should, your Furbaby will love your for it 😂

  81. Super easy treats. Hope Piper enjoyed them.

  82. I love making home made treats for our pets too. I never would have thought of incorporating oatmeal into a treat but will have to try your recipe out! Sounds yummy!

    1. It’s good for them to have the fiber!! I can’t wait to hear if they love them!

  83. Just found the pup treat recipe. I have 4 girls who will love to try.

  84. Thank you for sharing this recipe! They sound like a really good dog treat.

    1. Piper absolutely loves them!!
      I can’t wait to hear what your Furbaby thinks of them 😘

  85. Oh yum!! My fur baby would love these. Thanks for sharing 💖

  86. Your pup is adorable and those treats look fabulous!

  87. I really love this idea, I think our Nickee will LOVE them

    1. Yessss!! You know they can’t resish the peanut butter 🤣

  88. I will definitely have to try this . Try to make homemade treats whenever I have spare time . I’m sure my dogs would love these

    1. Yahhh I can’t wait to hear how much they love them!!

  89. I've been adding cooked sweet potatoes in my Sadie's food. She loves peanut butter. I am going to have to fix her these treats. I sure do love my girl!

    1. You have quite the awesome name Dana 😂 same here my Furbaby is my life and I think the sweet potato 🍠 idea is amazing. I’ll have to try that and see what she thinks!!

  90. What a great recipe! Thanks for sharing. Looks like Piper is ready to dig into those!

  91. Oh i love this. My mom has two big dogs and they love treats. I would love to make this for them! :D

  92. I'll have to try these.

  93. What a great treat for doggies! I love that the recipe is so easy & has quality ingredients! Thank you for sharing!

  94. I actually ended up making these for my dogs. They loved them just like I thought.

  95. These look amazing! Sadly our pooch is allergic to peanut butter!

  96. Whatever the dog doesn’t eat I will gladly scoop up

  97. What a great recipe for my dog snacks, I have never tried Peanut Butter for my dog, I don't even know if she will eat it, I will make these

  98. I love how easy these are! My pup will love these and I'll feel better feeding my dog a snack that I know all the ingredients!

  99. These looks so simple to make and I know Claire Bell (my 10 month old yellow lab) will enjoy these.

  100. Ok. I’m going to have to give these a go. I think they would go down very well with my doggy.

  101. Sure hope my puppy likes these.

  102. I'm definitely going to make these for my dog :)

  103. Awesome recipe; thank you for sharing as my pup will love these!

  104. i don't have a dog, but the concept is sweet

  105. Piper is so adorable! The treats look yummy!(my Belle says so).

  106. Omg your pup is so precious!! These look great!

  107. I have tried to do a recipe similar to this one before, and i have failed terribly :(. Maybe ill try this one step by step and maybe ill be pleasantly surprised!

  108. Oh my goodness! Your pup is adorable!! Now if I could just find a recipe for cat treats. :)

  109. Thanks for this one. Jotted down the recipe and we're going to try it late today. Seems quick and easy and I know my pup will love these ingredients. Thanks again.

  110. Piper is adorable! I love this super easy recipe! Thabk you again for sharing!

  111. Aww, she is so cute, she deserves to have a special treat made especially for her. So much better than store bought junk.

  112. I love homemade recipes for my dog, store bought treats are horrible

  113. Your puppy is so stinking cute! Thanks for the great recipe to make for our fur baby.

  114. How eaay vis this
    How delicious these will be

  115. My dog loves these, thanks so much for recipe!!

  116. Look at those eyes!! Love your pup!

  117. My pups love pumpkin & peanut butter!

  118. This looks like a lot of fun and easy to make ty

  119. Piper is such a cute little pup!

  120. Lol this is one time I,would be begging the dog for the food sounds good thanks

  121. These look too good just like human snacks ty

  122. Aw, Piper once again! She gets me each time with that face. No wonder she is so spoiled, lol. I have been meaning to try a new recipe for my Bentley. This one seems easy and I should have all of the ingredients. Totally pinning to try tomorrow!

  123. Thanks so much for this. My pups are really going to be happy with me when I make these for them.

  124. Those look delicious! My dogs would love those - looks like your pup is about to dive in lol

  125. I love how easy these look for my pup! He loves all snacks that have peanut butter!

  126. These are so easy! Such healthy ingredients too, makes me want to eat some!

  127. I love making homemade treats for my pup

  128. Can humanoids eat this treats too? 🤔 🐕 🏄☕

  129. My dog needs gluten free snacks so these are perfect! They look tasty for people

  130. I think our little fur baby would love these snacks!
