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I Answer My Most Asked Question!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

This post is sponsored by Sweat Coin, and all opinions and experiences are mine and mine alone!

Staying Fit & Healthy!!

Hello everyone I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. As most of you know on Instagram I’m known as the Dessert Diva, I also have a crazy sweet tooth. Eating sweets is literally a hobby of mine, and one question I have gotten many times over is what I do to keep in shape? How do you keep yourself at the size you are now and eat so many sweets and high calorie items? Well I’ve decided to finally answer that question, but let’s not get it twisted I’m by no means a fitness blogger or health fanatic, I just stick to my daily routine to keep myself fit and healthy. Heart disease and high blood pressure also run in my family, so it’s best just to do what I can to prevent those issues. As I always say prevention is much better than reaction. There are a few tools that I keep at my disposal, these few things assure that I always get in a good workout.

#1 The right workout gear, I know you’re thinking what is she talking about? Well think about it, you definitely aren’t wearing an aerobic shoe for running. You have to have the right gear for the right activities, I also know that when I wear gear I look and feel amazing in, it always puts me in the mood to put out my best which gives me the best results. 

#2 You MUST remain consistent, because consistency is the key to good results. I definitely recommend that you make a workout schedule and stick to it NO MATTER WHAT!! It’s the constant hard work that conditions your body to get to a healthy place and remain there as long as you keep putting the work in. 

#3 A good fitness watch and (or) app, I use an both an Apple Watch, the Nike fitness app. It was the first one that I ever used and liked because it gave me very specific and detailed info about my runs. The apps make a record of each step, the route you took, how fast you walked or ran, how many calories you burned and much much more. With these apps I’m able to keep track of all my workouts and set daily goals for myself, that way I can try and beat them the following week, or take new routes to see which is the best, or to keep it from getting boring.

#4 Last but certainly not least, in fact it’s the most important tool I use….Sweat Coin!! This app is amazing because it literally tracks each step you take and pays you for it….YES you read correctly it pays you. At the end of each day the Sweat Coin app compiles all the steps you took and I'll say it again ..pays you for them. Then once you get your desired amount you can either transfer it to your bank, your PayPal or use it towards some of the amazing offers that have from day to day on the app. 

My daily routine consists of my morning run which is 3 big laps of the 5 blocks that surround my neighborhood, one lap is about a mile. I remember when I started I could barely run the one block, I had to stop and walk a few times before I could finish. (I also realized #1 that I needed the right running shoes and running gear. If you don't have the right shoes with the right support you can start to get muscle injuries and much much more). Now when the laps are done I push myself to run just a little bit more, eventually my plan is to get up to 5 miles per run and I’m not that far off. Then there's my evening workout, I do a simple cardio routine for anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes long, depending on how I feel. I always make sure to get it in well before I eat dinner, I don’t know why that is but it’s just always been my schedule so I’ve stuck with it. Remember consistancy is the key! My next cardio goal is 20 minutes, and I know if I’m determined enough that I can definitely do it as long as I stick to my guns, wear the right footwear/active gear, and let’s not forget.. "Keep my Sweat Coin active". Even if you don’t run like I do you can still use Sweat Coin because it’s counting your daily steps which you’ll be making regardless, so why not get paid for them. 
At the end of each day I love to look at the app and see how many steps i took. With each day that passes I push myself in simple ways like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking a little further away from the entrance so I have to walk a bit more. It’s amazing how this app pushes me to be the best version of me that I can. 


It’s super easy to use, just grab the Sweat Coin app here:
Sign up and wallah the app does the rest, all you have to do is get those feet moving.

Well I hope I didn’t bore you guys too much with my daily workout deets, I just wanted to answer one of thee most asked questions that I get. If you have any questions about me feel free to ask them below, who knows maybe I’ll answer your question next. 
Have a Fabulous Weekend Dolls and Remember to Treat Yo’Self!!

PS…Don’t forget to check out todays Dessert Diva post on Instagram, every Saturday I post an amazing ice-cream cone shot from one of the delish ice-cream spots in my area. 
Don't forget to follow and turn on my notifications because I have some HUGE giveaways running as we speak and to come...right now someone has the chance to win a 4 night/5 day vacation to Maldives. Then there are 4 other winners for stuff like an iPhone x, and lots of cash!!


  1. Replies
    1. It's actually great because while you are living your day to day you are gaining for each step!!

  2. I need to try out that app, I hadn't heard of it before.

  3. I need to try this app! Thanks for the heads up!

  4. A good splurge once a week or so is OK. Just limit it to that and you will still lose.

    1. I completely agree!!! Depriving yourself leads to binges that you end up feeling guilty for.

  5. Sounds like some helpful gear. I have heard of sweatcoin for years now .

  6. I wish I could run. I have poor lung function as a result from bronchial pneumonia when I was a little girl. Walking and hiking are what I enjoy most.

  7. Looks like an awesome app. Thanks for sharing.

  8. OMG, that Mickey Mouse watch is too cute! Love the clothes! Thanks for posting!

  9. Nice stuff, it was nice to see this article. It was really appreciable. Thank you so much for sharing such an informative article. Fitness app
